

October 4, 2016

Lifetime Event at Vandusen Gardens

Hey Everyone, please come find me at Vandusen Gardens
September 28, 2016

Take a Deep Breath and Your Heart Will Thank You

When we breathe we take in oxygen (O2), which goes to our lungs and increases oxygenation in our blood. Blood flows in one direction, just like a mountain spring, through valves that open one way only. From the lungs and through the pulmonary veins, oxygenated blood goes into the left side of the heart, filling up the left atrium, which contracts and pulses our blood through the mitral valve to the left ventricle.
September 28, 2016

Struggling with Incontinence?

The stories of Sheila, Ken and Nancy illustrate their secret suffering. Throughout the world women and men suffer with incontinence, urgency, frequency, hesitancy, dribbling or nocturia at a ratio of four to one. In Canada alone 10 percent of the population reportedly experiences bothersome urinary symptoms.
September 5, 2016

Check out our video here!

After 10 years of experience in nursing care, Embrace Continence Solutions' founder Naomi Wolfman pursues the detailed specialty of bowel and bladder continence.

Check out Embrace Continence Solutions video >>